Where do you deliver to?

We deliver to all UK addresses.

Unfortunately due to the large size of our parcels it is not viable to deliver beyond the UK.

How much does delivery cost?

Delivery is FREE to all UK addresses.

How long does delivery take?

We aim to dispatch all orders within 7 to 10 working days. You’ll get an email with the courier details once your order is on its way. It is then usually 1 to 2 working days for delivery. If you need something quicker, please get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

Can I get a fabric sample?

Which colour? Does it match? We certainly know the dilemma of trying to match or compliment existing colour schemes. If you need a sample please drop us a message with what you’re after and we’ll pop one in the post for you.

Can you customise something for me?

Yes! this is one of the big advantages of working directly with a small scale design business. Get in touch if you’re after a different size, shape or colour.

We also love working with interior designers, hotels and restaurants on specific commissions - call or email to get the ball rolling…

What size lampshade should I order?

We make our drum lampshades in 3 standard sizes (although we can do others - see below). Different spaces work best with different scales, but as a guide -

20cm shade - this is a small diameter shade and usually works best on a small table lamp, on a bedside table or desk for example.

30cm shade - our medium sized shade looks great on a larger table lamp or as a ceiling pendant in a smaller room.

40cm shade - this larger diameter shade is perfect for most standard floor lamps or as a ceiling pendant in a mid-large room.